May 24, 2009

[ I Have A Dream. Gay Rights in America ]

I never watched American Idol, so I didn't realize the two finalists were a Christian Conservative versus a potentially gay man. The NYT thinks the fact that the Christian won means nothing as it pertains to the gay civil rights movement in America. There are theories, however, as to why Obama has stalled out on all his campaign promises on the issue:

The most common rationale for his current passivity is that his plate is too full. But the president has so far shown an impressive inclination both to multitask and to argue passionately for bedrock American principles when he wants to.

Personally, I think he knows he's going to take a hit in his nomination of the Supreme Court Justice (whomever it is), so he's going to take his time on the gay rights issue. What's interesting, though, is how the media keeps putting it back on the table. John Stewart. Rachel Maddow. Everyone's talking about it.

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